Who Needs HAZWOPER Training?
If you or your employer wants you to work AROUND ANY type of spill, or ON ANY  type of spill, you NEED the 24 Hour HAZWOPER or the 40 Hour HAZWOPER Training

What Is HAZWOPER Training?

HAZWOPER stands for "Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response." This is is also the title of the section of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration standard concerning hazardous waste operations. It outlines the minimum training requirements for persons who work with hazardous waste or have business on hazardous waste sites that may bring them into contact with these wastes.

HAZWOPER training is mandated by the U. S. Government and by the state you work in,
for persons visiting or working on projects where uncontrolled hazardous material and/or waste is. The training topics include the nature of hazardous substances and their associated risks, recognition of hazardous materials, response implementation, personal protective equipment, containment and control procedures and materials and decontamination procedures. Different levels of certification and training exist, and there is a continuing education and training requirement. 

Why Do I Need the 40 or 24 Hour
HAZWOPER Training?

A HAZWOPER certificate is needed by anyone who works in an environment where uncontrolled hazardous waste may be encountered, but the level of training varies according to the level of exposure. People who are assigned general duties and clean-up efforts in an environment where uncontained, uncontrolled hazardous waste is present, must have the 40-hour HAZWOPER certification, consisting of 40 hours of classroom and/or Computer Based Training and practical training including three days of field training, which needs only be completed once. They are also required to take an eight-hour refresher course annually, following the initial training.

People whose duties are restricted to visiting an area that has hazardous waste present must have the initial 24-hours of classroom and practical instruction including one day of field instruction and take an annual eight-hour refresher course.  

HAZWOPER training must be undertaken before the employee enters an area where uncontained hazardous waste is present. Companies who allow untrained persons into an area where HAZWOPER certification is required may face heavy fines.


Hazardous Materials Training for Industry
Simi Valley, CA 93063
40 and 24 Hour HAZWOPER Special!!
This includes
English AND Spainish!
40 and 24 Hour HAZWOPER Special!!
This includes
English AND Spainish!